Spectra Tech, LLC | DiversityJobs.com Badge
You’ve earned the right to display our DiversityJobs.com badge. It is a nice way to show candidates and customers that you are being proactive about Diversity & Inclusion.
Where to display it?
You may use the badge freely on your:
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- printed materials
- email signatures
Get your badge:
Copy the HTML markup below and paste it on your website. If you need any custom alterations or assistance, please contact us.
<!-- DiversityJobs.com Badge: --> <a href="https://diversityjobs.com/employer/company/51915/Spectra-Tech-Llc?utm_campaign=EmployerMember&utm_medium=badge&utm_source="> <img src="https://diversityjobs.com/imglib/employer-images/employer-member.png" width="200" alt="DiversityJobs.com Employer Member" title="DiversityJobs.com Employer Member"/></a> <!-- END DiversityJobs.com Badge -->